Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Day 5 Fan photo

This is the fan on day 5 which I forgot to put in oops!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Crazy Jan Challange Days 2-13

Here are 12 of my cjc out of 15, some of them really are a challange for me as I have not done cross stitching for a very long time!
Day 2 Country Mouse
Day 3 Cyclamen
Day 4 Birdhouse by Vervaco
Day 5 Fan pic to follow
Day 6 Elephant
Day 7 Robins by Hobbycraft
Day 8 Lovely lady and grumpy man
Day 9 Blackwork seahorse
Day 10 Sunken Treasures Humbug
Day 11 Nora Corbett Morning Glory
Day 12 Sitting Bunny
Day 13 WTP Gardening
I hope to finish all the projects by the end of the year, wish me luck!
Rachel x

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Crazy challange

This is my first project of the cjc and it's of the valentine bunny, have not done much as had my parents over and it was rather late!
Shall look forwards to finishing this for hubby's valentines card. Will put on my second project tomorrow.
Rachel xxx